![]() President: Chew Hui Lin
Engineering, 2nd year, Downing Hi, I’m your 2024/25 CUMaS president! You can usually find me in some library thriving off coffee and no sleep, but feel free to approach me for a chat anytime (I promise to be friendly). Welcome to our home away from home where anyone can feel the warmth of Cambridge’s wholesome Malaysian community, and we hope you’re here to stay. Interesting facts about me:
1. The maths department cat has sat in my lap for over an hour 2. Your resident compulsive rhythm gamer 3. Reduces into a cat when tired 4. Took a gap year, still one of the youngest in comm 5. Anything more than 15min is considered a long walk, but walked 45min to West Hub twice just to study Interesting facts about me (committee version):
spent 3/4 of iGCSE economics doing not economics ~ Rhu Ming Unofficial group leader, naturally turned into cumas pres. Also CAN FLY A PLANE. ~ Gauri GET A BIKE x1000 ~ Wei Heng flies planes but doesn’t cycle smh ~ Nat was the first person I met from our batch because we both turned up ridiculously early to the meetup and bonded over a sushi lunch. It all worked out and now we’re married 🙂 ~ Naomi If CUMaS was a country, I bet my life savings she would establish a for-profit Ministry of Mahjong ~ Afiq She has many sus card games. Nice person. ~ Jeffry I FORGOT YOU CAN FLY PLANES ~ Sarah |
![]() Secretary: Rhu Ming Chan
Engineering, 2nd Year, St Catharine’s Hi, I didn’t think I was going to be secretary but here I am. Hoping to be competent enough to make CUMaS events go great for everyone. Interesting facts about me :
Went to robotics club instead of revising for A-levels the next day Interesting facts about me (committee version):
Spelt theorem as theorum for all his flashcards due to degrading sanity as tripos approaches ~ Hui Lin Wears a very misleading lanyard (unless he’s secretly trying to tell us something) ~ Gauri He’s doing my job. I luv u so much. ~ Wei Heng unfollowed me thinking that I was some random person he met once before that he was never going to meet again…just to realise a few months later that we were going to the same uni ~ Naomi God knows how many unreported accidents this guy had in that mega-sus Dyson facility… ~ Afiq He loves CUSF. He helped alot with our welfare packs, and must upgrade him to Welfare sponsor maa. Nice person. ~Jeffry has unwavering love for Professor Julian Allwood and Mapo Tofu ~ Nat Man loves his robotics and I for one support him in all his robotics endeavours ~ Sarah |
![]() Treasurer: Gauri Gupta
Mathematics, 2nd year, St. John’s Hello, I’m Gauri and I’m going to be your CUMaS treasurer for the year! I’m excited to get to know current and incoming CUMaS members and to help organise your events 🙂 Interesting facts about me :
I’m actually not Malaysian, but I was born in Sarawak and grew up in KL. Interesting facts about me (committee version):
more athletic than me (I know a low bar but stilllll) ~ Wei Heng most gentle (but can and will wreck you at captain ball) ~ Nat is a sweetheart and girlboss. Hui Lin & I will defend our wife against anyone who tries saying otherwise 😤 ~ Naomi Wanted to crack some vegetarian vs vegan joke to her once but was succinctly advised against that so I’ll leave that there… ~ Afiq She has a video of me dancing like a sharpener. Nice person. ~ Jeffry |
![]() Publicity Officer: Choong Li Xian
HSPS, 2nd year, Trinity Hall Choong is a second-year student reading HSPS at Trinity Hall. She is the publicity officer for CUMaS and spends most of her free time taking photos around Cambridge. Send any submissions for CUMASKINI, the CUMaS newsletter, through the link in the bio of our socials. Interesting facts about me:
Choong does not eat the ikan bilis in nasi lemak. 🙂 Interesting facts about me (committee version):
Digicam queen (love her pics) ~ Gauri a silly goose, a clown (but MY clown <3) ~ Sarah more dedicated to her camera than I am to my degree ~ Nat Find Choong behind her camera (but fr her photos come out amazing!) ~ Naomi BOSS CHOONG IS THE OG. THE GOAT. THE ABSOLUTE CHAD. PEAK (FE)MALE PERFORMANCE. OH CHOONG, WHAT A (WO)MAN! ~ Afiq She always takes pictures and videos. Nice person also. ~Jeffry had to save comm from themselves ~ Rhu Ming |
![]() Publicity Officer: Sabrina Azizulezly
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, 2nd year, St. Edmund’s Sabrina continues her studies in Cambridge after completing her Diploma in Psychology in Malaysia. She has experience in journalism, research work, and design, and is an accredited Mental Health First Aider. Interesting facts about me:
Hi! I’m your sentient, living, breathing Grammarly – but do not fret! I will text like a 5 or 85 year old (there is no in between). Interesting facts about me (committee version):
she embraces janji melayu to the fullest, T-T ~ Afiq Malaysian supplies supplier ~ Nat STOP TYPING IN ALL CAPS ~ Wei Heng my fellow covid-sufferer ~ Naomi |
![]() Welfare Officer: Jeffry Yap
Engineering, 2nd year, Corpus Christi Erm I am your Welfare officer. I take charge of your welfare packs, family members, freshers’ events and your welfare. Feel free to suggest your favourite snacks for our welfare packs. I try to cheer everyone up. Interesting facts about me:
I usually don’t laugh at my own jokes. I am a picky eater. I love Chinese songs only. Ni gei wo zhe yi bei zi dou bu xiang shi lian de ai…. Bye! Interesting facts about me (committee version):
Accidentally ghosted him once back in A-Levels ~ Hui Lin Younger brother energy mixed with old uncle ~ Gauri You can (allegedly) confide things to him that you cannot confide in your boyfriend/girlfriend ~ Sarah My husband is not loyal, a flag so green it somehow turns red??? Buttttttt, I forgive him cuz he cooks good food. I feel like this is a new form of PUA but it is what it is. ~ Wei Heng simultaneous ‘little brother’ + uncle energy [x2 -Technical] ~ Nat is genuinely a teddy bear exemplified ~ Naomi Despite being a sea of green flags and the ultimate husband material (cooking skills = supreme), Jeffry is the embodiment of what it means to be an #censored by Technical# (your secret is safe w me… for now) ~ Afiq |
![]() Corporate Relations Officer: Sarah Chong
Law, 2nd year, Lucy Cavendish Hello! I’m Sarah, a second-year lawyer at Lucy Cavendish, and I will be your corporate relations officer for the coming year! Money makes the world go round, so I get the money to make YOUR world (CUMaS) go round :] Interesting facts about me:
I once carted a whole pandan cake from SG to Cambridge for a snack. Quotable quote [?]: My eyes are like telescopes Interesting facts about me (committee version):
Best fashion sense ~ Gauri what do u meannn🥹 I’m a nice guyyyyy ~ Wei Heng part time lawyer, full time fashion icon ~ Nat has the most iconic outfits, please go to her for fashion inspo ~ Naomi Guess who can read and write a bit too well that she ended up as the unholy Corps? ~ Afiq Always sees her at Jack’s (outside corpus). Nice person. ~ Jeffry |
![]() Hi. I’m your technical officer. I’m in charge of the website. I went through lots of trouble updating it. Pls have a look and admire it. If something is broken just know it is not my fault but pls let me know. There is a feedback form on the website under the “contact us” section. Use it. It took me way longer than it was supposed to. Don’t try to find me in-person. You won’t find me.
Interesting facts about me:
I can do the splits. Does that count? Hmmmmm. Whatever. I like Chinese rap songs. Favourite food is scallops. Other details will be way too personal. Thank you very much. Interesting facts about me (committee version):
Seems prickly but he’s not, so please approach him in the unlikely event that you spot him outside ~ Hui Lin Can tear up dancefloor ~ Rhu Ming Not your average compsci, he showers ~ Gauri 👁️👄👁️ ~ Sarah has mastered the art of cooking with a microwave (“stomach aches are normal just get over it”) ~ Nat is a porcupine: outwardly a bit prickly but very lovable once you know him ~ Naomi By compsci standards, lowkey the most decent compsci I’ve met so far (except the unholy punting screams). p.s. he IS the reason why I lost my first wife. ~ Afiq My husband, but he macam don’t love me very much. He deleted my details and asked me to redo. I sometimes bought him Jack’s double scoops tokens. He always says “chilled der”. Nice person. ~ Jeffry [I’m sorryyyyyy🥹-Technical] looks like a cinnamon roll, but will commit kind things! (I will join him) ~ Sabrina |
![]() Helloo, I’m Nathaniel, your Socials Officer for 24/25! When I’m not drowning in example papers, you’ll find me in someone else’s kitchen attempting to chef something up (give me a hob next year pls😵). Over my time as a professional kitchen-raider, I’ve had the pleasure of developing invaluable friendships with my fellow Malaysians over amazing food and priceless conversations. As Socials Officer, I hope to pass on this joy I experience from being a part of this tight-knit community I can call home.
Interesting facts about me:
1. I spaz occasionally when taking naps 2. ‘practice the piano’ when I sleep (according to Afiq) Interesting facts about me (committee version):
Spent over an hour doing a second year paper in his first year, wondering why he didn’t know so much of it ~ Hui Lin Progressed to IB early ~ Rhu Ming Official bereal taker. I know more mandarin than him… ~ Gauri Goofy ah serious face ~ Wei Heng is the single father of this committee ~ Naomi Behind that innocent-ish smile and the apparent inability to converse in both Malay AND Mandarin, lies an unholy #censored by Technical again# facade (not to mention his prev Insta dp) ~ Afiq My brother. He has bad eyesight. He always sends me supreme instagram reels. Nice person. ~ Jeffry Every Afiq’s bestie ~ Sabrina A glue that holds the committee together <3 ~ Sarah |
![]() External Officer: Naomi Chan
Law, 2nd year, Newnham Hi everyone, I’m Naomi, and I will be your 2024/2025 Externals Officer! When I’m not struggling through work, I love to dance, sing (no promises about quality tho 🙃), and spend time with my friends. CUMaS has really become a family to me, and I’m incredibly grateful to have gotten the chance to meet everyone. Coming to Cambridge has genuinely been one of the best experiences of my life and I hope to support more people in their applications so that they can experience it for themselves too! Interesting facts about me:
1. I’m a huge fan of anything with yuzu in it! 2. The older I get, the more I identify as a plant. Just give me food, water, enough sunlight, a comfortable temperature and enough attention and I’ll be very happy. 3. Since coming to Cambridge, anything within a 45 min walking distance is walkable (*cries in bikelessness*) 4. I’ve probably spent more time in the engineering library than a lot of the actual engineering students Interesting facts about me (committee version):
“Naomi looks like a kid” by Nat ~ Wei Heng Thinks she doesn’t look like a kid (she does) ~ Hui Lin Thought she was a random person and unfollowed her ~ Rhu Ming Went from student leadership buddies to cambridge wifeyss ~ Gauri the most slayful girlboss social butterfly queen ~ Sarah only discovered each other’s existence after acceptance to Cambridge although she was in the same church group as my brother for 4 years prior ~ Nat Her red flag is not being able to detect other red flags within her circle (whoops) ~ Afiq My sister. Dance very well. Will be a very outstanding lawyer in the future. Nice person. ~ Jeffry |
![]() Sports Officer: Avinash Nandy
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, 2nd year, Homerton Hey! I’m your sports officer for this year and I’ve got a lot of exciting activities planned, including our weekly badminton sessions. They’re going to be free and easy, so whether you’re stressed about exams or like a bit of competition, just try it out! Interesting facts about me:
I used to represent Malaysia in international debate competitions! Interesting facts about me (committee version):
Would slander him for being in Homerton but it’s my sister’s college so I sadly can’t ~ Hui Lin Lives in a land far far away ~ Gauri ping pong legend who ALMOST gave o*ford the win at the Oxbridge games by joining their team ~ Nat Halloween outfit consisted of a colander on his head ~ Naomi What can I do to make this guy leave his room ah? ~ Afiq Very good at frisbee. Always pray before throwing a frisbee. Nice person. ~ Jeffry |
![]() Alumni Officer: William Tow
Engineering, 3rd year, Gonville and Caius Hello, it’s William here! This will be my 2nd year in the committee but now as the alumni officer. One of the greatest strengths of a Cambridge education is the network of alumni available to students and I hope to be the bridge between the alumni community and our Malaysian students. Interesting facts about me:
You’ll find out if we interact :3 Interesting facts about me (committee version):
collects uni/pre-u memberships like Thanos ~ Nat hi dad ~ Wei Heng A fan of Newnham buttery water ~ Naomi |
![]() Entertainment Officer: Afiq Ahlami
Bio NatSci, 2nd year, Hughes Hall Entertaining y’alls day and night with exclusive pics of our committee <3 Interesting facts about me:
Inclusive CUMaS marriages are my specialty! Interesting facts about me (committee version):
Afiq is my dear brother, aka the black sheep of the family :p ~ Hui Lin 👍 ~ Rhu Ming Apparently wanted to make a vegetarian joke to me but was scared into not saying it… ~ Gauri Afiq greatly enjoys Pepe’s fried chicken. He has spent a significant amount of money of Pepe’s fried chicken. In fact, he has an addiction to Pepe’s fried chicken. ~ Choong you may not be able to read or write, but you’re a great guy! ~ Sarah His first wife left him for an easier life. Totally not my fault. ~ Wei Heng BNOC (Biggest Name Outside Campus) which is fitting considering he (almost) doesn’t even stay in Cambridge ~ Nat Took 22 years to discover the existence of sparkling water ~ Naomi He always quarrels with my husband. Nice person. ~ Jeffry Afiq will unalive you on sight if you refuse to socialise or “network” ~ Sabrina |
![]() Post-graduate Representative: Zheng Hong See
Phd in Law, 1st Year, St Catharine’s Hi, I’m Zheng Hong, and together with Aldric, we are your postgrad reps! We know how busy Postgrads can be and how demanding the research work can be but there’s always time for lepak and santai especially when we are craving Malaysian food and kuih – it is thus our mission to bring all of us together, embracing the Malaysian spirit of togetherness. Please fell free to reach out to us about anything postgraduate-related or just anything really! Interesting facts about me:
Having a mixed Hokkien-BabaNyonya heritage, I’m interested in the traditional elements of language for example my mother tongue Hokkien and I’ve created a series of Hokkien flashcards with my team members to promote Hokkien among youngsters. I also play erhu, a traditional Chinese two-stringed fiddle-like instrument. |