CUMaSKini 04/03/2013: Candidate Manifestos!

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4th March 2013

We hope you enjoyed this year’s Malaysian Night! With that over, there’s only one event left for the current committee before we step down. That event, of course, is finding a crew of motivated, dedicated and capable people to take over for the upcoming year. So we are proud the present the manifestos of the candidates for the upcoming CUMaS AGM!

A few events by our friends around the UK: the Chinese Cultural Society is putting on a hilarious comedy, "Somalian Pirates", this weekend.. And the Universities of Newcastle, Northumbria and Durham are putting up a joint production, the North-East Malaysian Night, at the end of the month.

Yang tua,
CUMaS Committee 2012/2013

1. CUMaS AGM 2013: Manifestos Released!

The candidates for the incoming CUMaS Committee (2013/14) are now officially announced. View the line-up of running candidates and their manifestos over at the official AGM 2013 page.

If you are planning to attend the AGM, please fill in the online form. This is mainly to determine if we can meet quorum at the AGM. If you can’t make it to the AGM, we strongly suggest that you find someone to submit a proxy vote! Details for proxy voting can be found in the AGM 2013 Document.

The details for the AGM are as below:

Date: Monday, 11th March 2013
Time: 6.00pm-10.00pm (The AGM will start promptly at 6.15pm)
Venue: Lucia Windsor Room, Newnham College

As it is essential that we meet quorum for the AGM, we would really encourage those who are unable to attend to email to arrange for voting via proxy. The deadline for registering for proxy voting is Sunday, 10th March 2013.

2. [CCS] Somalian Pirates

"A joke is a serious thing" – Winston Churchill

This year, the Chinese Cultural Society is bringing you two hours of non-stop, back to back hilarity. "Somalian Pirates" is one of the funniest modern Chinese theatre productions.

When two Chinese hypocrites are rescued from a group of adorably absurd pirates, they are portrayed as national heroes, but their lives take an unexpected turn when the public find out the truth. Bizarrely, they fall into the hands of the same group of pirates again, and begin a journey of redemption…

Join us for a story of integrity, loyalty and love, and for a night of laughter!

The play will be in Chinese with English subtitles.

Date: 7th, 8th and 9th March
Time: 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Venue: Wolfson Hall, Churchill College

£8 for CUCCS Members
£10 for Non-members
£15 Combo Ticket (Somalian Pirates + "Take Me Out" (非诚勿扰))

Online Booking at:

Or Call: 07553710309

3. North-East Malaysian Night 2013

University of Newcastle, Northumbria University and the University of Durham proudly present the North-East Malaysian Night 2013!

What’s a brother worth? More then a love lost in pretence, more than riches gained through deceit?
A brother’s merit is measured through love in lies & riches. To lose one’s heart, will one leave all behind & trek a life with lies?
Love from pretence shows no prudence in keeping anything razed. A bitter sweet tale of love & family on the edge of felicity & misery.

North-East Malaysian Night 2013
Doors open 1700hrs 24th March 2013
Northumbria University Student Union
Early bird starts at 0000 hrs for £11
£11 regular members & £15 for non members regular.
*tickets will include food vouchers for food festival served after the play.

Click the link here to purchase. Our special Early Bird Promotion starts now and ends on 24 February 2013.

Limited early bird tickets available!! SO HURRRRRRYYY!–W-5BYxUyFqTYTMkb1anb8AiXE/viewform