20th November 2014
Dear all,
Looking forward to holidays? Because it’s already week 7! That means two more weeks to the end of Michaelmas term and the start of Winter/Christmas break! Time flies! We hope you enjoyed the roller coaster ride of the first term of the year so far. Not a masochistic statement 😛
There are three brief but important announcements to make: transportation reminder of Nottingham Games happening this Saturday; Shell Ideas submission deadline extension to the 12th of December; and online judges recruitment for Watersprite 2015.
Yang berminum kopi,
CUMaS Committee 2014/2015
1. Nottingham Games Transportation Reminder
For those involved in the Nottingham Games, the details for bus transportation are as follow:
Time: Arrive before 5:30am
Date: 22nd November, Saturday
Venue: Queens’ Backs (Queen’s Road)
Reminder: Please bring 3 pounds per person whether or not you are a participant or a supporter
The bus leaves at 5:30am SO DON’T OVERSLEEP!
2. Shell Ideas 360
Enter the Shell Ideas360 Competition. Claim your place on the trip of a lifetime in three simple steps:
Step 1 – Register yourself at www.shellideas360.com and get a download of how Season 1 of the competition went
Step 2 – Form your team (up to maximum 3 members and remember to include your lecturer as an advisor). Come up with a game-changing idea to tackle the challenges related to global energy, water and food
Step 3 – Submit your idea online before 12th December 2014
What are you waiting for? Your journey of a lifetime awaits. Visit www.shellideas360.com now!
Ideas360 Student A4 flyer – hi res version
3. Online Judges Recruitment Watersprite 2015
The Watersprite Film Festival 2015 is looking for film enthusiasts to be online judges. The experience offers a chance to watch a wide range of films by talented student filmmakers from around the world. Between the 8 and 14 December 2014 you will watch and judge 3 hours of short films. Reply to onlinejudges@watersprite.