After the Tripos Examination every year, CUMaS organises the Garden Party which is targeted towards all Cambridge Malaysian leavers. Besides celebrating the successful completion of Tripos, the CUMaS garden party also acts as a platform for all the graduating CUMaS members to bid farewell and say their goodbyes before their official graduation. The theme this year was Child’s Play and was meant to help all the guests reminisce all the fun games they played when they were kids, carefree and without a worry.
This year the party was held at the Churchill College Chapel Grounds on the 13th of June. Unfortunately, this year, we weather got the better of us. The sky was grey and rain poured constantly from the sky throughout the Garden Party. We had many games set up, like Galah Panjang and Batu Seremban, even a bouncy castle for the fun of it. But the constant downpour put off many of the guests and only about 50 people turned up. So a lot of our preparations were sadly wasted. We had to switch the venue from the Chapel Grounds to two tents pitched closed to the college’s buildings.
Despite the grim weather, our guests managed to enjoy themselves with the delicious food and drinks served. Our guests were also entertained by our talented pianist, Nicholas Tam, and two of our best singers and entertainers, Haris Abdul Halim and William Tai. An impromptu game of Scrabble was even set up amidst the Garden Party. The biggest attraction of the day was perhaps our self-made photo frame and hashtags boards. Lots of laughter and smiles could be heard and seen under the tents thanks to the photo frame.