President: LAUREN ONG Natural Science @ Corpus Christi president@cumas.orgHi everyone! I am looking forward to a great year ahead with you guys. Also, it’s CUMaS’ 20th anniversary so I hope you are as excited as I am to celebrate how far our society has come since 1994. Hope this year will be a memorable one 🙂 |
Secretary: ZIQING LIEW Engineering @ Peterhouse secretary@cumas.orgAside from writing minutes, I also reply your emails, deal with your membership and registration issues. Feel free to send me emails, or hand-written letters, if you prefer so! Don’t be shy lah! We are all adorable =D |
Treasurer: HUI XUIN CHUA Engineering @ Fitzwilliam treasurer@cumas.orgGreat to be a part of this lovely team, the team that gives our very best to CUMaS members. It’s my responsibility to keep track and take care of the money. I am systematic and I might seem serious sometimes. But, do smile at me and you will always get one back from me! |
Publicity: CELINE WAN Natural Science @ Lucy Cavendish publicity@cumas.orgI am the Wan and only newsfeed! Sometimes I try to make bad puns, and sometimes I abuse smileys. I tweet a lot and I’m generally noisy– in a good way! So if there is anything to market or update, do contact me! |
Entertainment: HARIS ABDUL HALIM Engineering @ Peterhouse ents@cumas.orgAn undergraduate engineer equipped with an affinity for poetic justice. It is not uncommon to see me attempting to make quips or witty statements, all in the search for a clever turn of phrase. At this stage in life, it is only fair that I try to spread and broaden my horizons, among other things, seeking novel experiences at every alley. On the other hand, I too am an engineer by character. Trained to be articulate, clear, and methodical, I feel some of those characteristics have rubbed off on me, giving some body and structure to my otherwise chaotic artistic expression. Having been thrust into the position of Entertainment Officer, I consider it my honour to go beyond what is expected of me. The position seems to be a complement to own internal bifurcations, allowing me to sufficiently exhaust both sides of my personality coin(s), and to me, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Being part of a larger committee will definitely help keep me in check, and I hope that I can do everything in my power to meet my own stringent expectations. |
Sports: JIA RUI CHOW Engineering @ St Catharines sports@cumas.orgBalls, racquets, team sports… You want it? I bring it. Hello peeps, my job is to ensure that you get healthy and happy playing all kind of sports. Who doesn’t like sport anyway? Stay tuned for more sweaty malaysian sport outings 😉 |
Welfare: KAIF HILMAN BIN MUHAMMAD Mathematics @ Christ’s welfare@cumas.orgI am your Welfare officer, Your health and wealth I monitor. I try my best to do my best To drive away those week five blues And keep alive your fiery zest To get a first and win some blues! |
Socials: VARUN PRASHANT NADKARNIMedicine @ St John’s socials@cumas.orgYo guys, what’s crackalackin’ with you? My name is Varun (also known as Ludakrishna, the Nadster and Yindubaobao) and I’m your socials officer this year (wooooooohhhhhhhhhh). As socials, I will be organising formals every term for you guys, games nights, cookouts and so on. Term time can be really stressful, but hopefully as socials officer, I’ll be able to organise events that act both as stress-relievers and that help bring us closer together as a family. |
Sponsorship: MELISSA CHEE Natural Science @ Newnham sponsorship@cumas.orgHi everyone! As the Sponsorship Officer, my main responsibilities are to identify sponsorship opportunities, formulate sponsorship proposals and ensure sponsorship requirements are met. As daunting as the task seems, I’m really looking forward to a great year ahead with CUMaS! 🙂 If you are a company or firm who would like to get in touch regarding any sponsorship matters, feel free to contact me! |
Technical: KHOON KHENG TEH Chemical Engineering @ Churchill technical@cumas.orgHey there! As the Technical officer, I deal with issues regarding our website. Feel free to email me if you face any technical problems and I will try my best to solve it. I also welcome any ideas and suggestions to improve our website and make it more attractive 😀 See you guys in Cambridge ! 😀 |
Logistics: ZHI HAO KOK Engineering @ Fitzwilliam logistics@cumas.orgAs your logistics officer it is my job to make sure any CUMaS event runs smoothly and successfully. I like to get things done and I am responsible to deliver and transport the right things, in the right quantities, to the right location and at the right time. Hope to see you all in our events. |
Alumni Officer: SHER LIN WONG Law @ Queen’s alumni@cumas.orgHi there! As your alumni officer, I want to make everyone who is a part of CUMaS connected as one big family. I’ll get in touch with the alumni to get them to share their Cambridge experience and working life. I’ll also work with the other members to organize an event for everyone to meet up during the summer break. 🙂 |
External Officer: RAY AUN FAN Engineering @ Magdelene externalofficer@cumas.orgIs Cambridge University Mystical? Magical? Mythical? As the Malaysian Cantabrigians will tell you: “No LAH! Sama Je!” As the External Officer, I am given the honour of dispelling your doubts, fears, questions and worries on matters relating to the application process, life in Cambridge as well as the University itself. Although I am not a Guru in academics or a Sifu in applying to Cambridge, I will furnish you with relevant information and motivation to get you started! On the other hand, I will attempt to rekindle the Malaysian spirit among current students by inviting awe inspiring speakers from Malaysia to share their wealth of experience with us in the comfort of this historical institution! |
Graduate Representative: KHER XING CHAN PhD Biological Anthropology @ Fitzwilliam graduates@cumas.orgMore dearly known as Cindy 🙂 For this academic year, I’ll try my best to act as the bridge between the graduates and the undergrads, while organising some fellowship activities with the graduates. |